We've had a pretty good day today. While I haven't gotten everything done that I wanted to get done, I still feel satisfied with how our day has gone. We got a few chores done, got our basic school work completed early, and enjoyed some time riding bikes and playing with another homeschool family nearby. After returning home, the kids and I snuggled up on the couch to read some picture books I picked up for Sammy before I return them to the library tomorrow.
One of the books we read was Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog by Dr. Seuss writing as Theo LeSeig. This turned out to be an expected blessing. We just didn't read the book; we each answered the questions presented as we read. Questions like "Would you rather be a dog or be a cat?" and "Would you rather be a cactus or a toadstool or a rose?" and "Would you rather be a table or a chair?" I enjoyed hearing my children's answers and they mine. It also gave me an unusual way to know my children just a little bit more.
For example, my daughter would rather be a dog because she might be able to work with police or protect her owners. My son would rather be a cactus because he could prick people if they are bugging him. We quickly found out that we needed to take turns who went first because Sammy had a tendency of saying, "...because of the same reason Mika said." He got into the game soon enough and was quickly chiming in with his own answers and wanting to go first.
It was a great time. For this reason alone, I would recommend reading the book with your kids even if they are a bit too old for it. ~smile
What about you? Have you ever had unexpected special moments like this?
**Disclosure: This review was provided of my own free will. I did not receive anything from the publisher, author, or anyone else for the review. I'm just sharing my feelings, opinions, and experiences that are part of our homeschooling experience.

No unexpected moments like that lately, but the book sounds adorable! Miss J is reading a Junie B Jones book each night at bedtime, and Miss O and I are working on Hop On Pop, so we are having fun with books though.
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