That's it!
I'm done!
I'm tired. I'm stressed out trying to figure what curriculum or method or schedule will get my kids excited about learning and none of them are working. They are stll complaining at the slightest school-related thing.
I'm heading over to the school later (the office is still open even though it is spring break) and enrolling the kids. I don't know what else to do. They'll start next Monday when the kids return from spring break.
p.s. I couldn't resist! Have a great 1st of April.
oh you got me! This is my first time stopping by your blog. Even though it's April 4th, you got me. I was already thinking of what to write to you in your comments sections and couldn't get there fast enough.....then I saw the "Arpril Fools" picture. Ha, ha!
Can't remember how I got here but glad I did. I'll be adding you to my blogroll!!
Take care,
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