Homeschool Blog Awards hosts a fun swap every other month. This was the second time I participated. It's fun to "meet" another homeschooler and blogger and get to know them through email and their blogs. Because of the swap, I've met two other homeschoolers/bloggers that I would have never known before. Now, I follow their blogs and their family's adventures. What fun!
This last swap, I was paired with NerdMom. One of the interesting things I learned about her was that she is using the same curriculum I just chose for our history and literature studies, only she's a year ahead of me. She also turned me on to a history book written for adults; something I desperately need due to my lack of history knowledge.
Anyway, here's what she sent me: a lovely, dark wood serving tray that holds four 4x6 photos and a pretty metal bookmark with little hummingbird on it.
There's always room for more swappers. The more the merrier, as they say. I'd love to get to know you someday through a swap. If you want to participate, visit Homeschool Blog Awards and sign up by July 19th.

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