Sammy has always had this one quirk about him: he often falls asleep in the middle of the day. You expect this when they are young but you begin to wonder as they get older and older. It's not every day that you find a five or six year old passed out in some odd location and position in the middle of the day. Then you add to that the fact that I found Sammy apparently not breathing very early one morning and you begin to wonder if he's okay. We convinced the doctor (without much trouble) to order a sleep study for him. Unfortunately (or fortunately) they found nothing wrong and just declared him a tired boy. Here he is passed out in an infant-toddler chair, still holding a birthday balloon. Of course, he's only one in the photo but check out how he's sleeping. He's not sitting in the chair, he's squatting in the chair.
Fast forward a year or so and we have this photo. The bottom's up photo is a common one in this family, especially with Sammy.
Fast forward some more and we have this photo. He fell asleep hunched over the chair but still standing on the floor. Somewhere in my archives of photos, I have another photo of him sleeping across two chairs about a foot apart.
The passed out at the top of the chairs is a classic photo. I guess the climb was just too much. LOL
This was last year. He was five in this photo. He still passes out in the car frequently even though is he nearly seven.
And finally, the inspiration for this post...
My husband sent out a tweet ( that my son fell asleep during the third quarter of the Seahawks game. It's Sammy's first football game and he was really excited. What's more amazing about him falling asleep during the game is that Qwest Field is SOOOO loud that the Seahawks have been accused of piping in artificial crowd noise. Guess nothing gets in the way of his sleep!
Oh, and he often sleeps with his eyes partially open.

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