Tacoma Kids Weekly is back. Sorry for the long absence. First, let me provide some ideas for this weekend (since I didn't do a list last week) in case you are looking for something to do.
The first thing that you need to know about is that tomorrow is a free day at Pt. Definance Zoo for Tacoma City residence. All adults in the group need to show proof of residency using either a utility bill or photo ID.
If you are going to the Fair this weekend, make sure to stop by the Coca Cola Stage (in the center of the fairgrounds by the hobby hall) at 12:30pm, 2:15pm, or 5:30pm (today and tomorrow only) to catch the Coats in concert. The Coats are an awesome a capella group that's fun and family friendly. You can hear some samples at their website but their recorded music doesn't do their live shows any justice. We were planning on seeing them yesterday and tomorrow but I still can't be up and about that much.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
School may be back in session but the Tacoma Farmer's Market is still going strong. The market takes place between 9am and 2pm on Broadway between 9th and 11th streets. They will be showcasing Latino artists today. Family storytelling at 11am in the lobby of Theater in the Square with art displayed in the same location from 10am to 2pm. Music takes place on the mainstage in the Pierce Transit Park at noon.
It's also time for the Third Thursday Artwalk in Tacoma. The Tacoma Art Museum is free all day and other venues, including the Washington State History Museum, are free in the evening.
Friday, September 19, 2008
St. Demetrios Greek Festival is taking place up in Seattle Friday through Sunday. This Greek festival includes tours of the church, Greek food, Greek folk dancing, live Greek music, and Greek arts and crafts. Admission is free. This sounds like a great opportunity for anyone studying geography or Greek history (even though it isn't historical in nature, you get a taste of the culture and it can be a launch point for historical discussion).
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Greek festival continues. See Friday.
The Seattle Fisherman's Festival takes place at fisherman's terminal in Seattle from 11am to 6pm. Admission is free. Activities include music, various competitions, ships, and model ships. Children's activities include miniture boat building, fish art, face painting, and an appearance by JP Patches.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Greek festival continues. See Friday.

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