I received a nice surprise in my inbox recently...
Blissfully Domestic, an online magazine for women, asked me to be a contributor for their homeschool channel. It's pretty exciting! I never really expected my blogging to amount to anything but me journaling our activities for myself and a few readers. And here I am now with a nice base of subscribers, more hits than I imagined, and an invite to write for an online publication. You all make my day! Thanks for reading and commenting.
So, what should you do now? Well, you should check out this great e-zine! There are "channels" to interest anyone...food, family, home, health, photo, and of course, homeschool, to name a few. Who knows, maybe you'll find an answer you've been looking for or new inspiration for a project you've been wanting to take on. So... Go. Read. And come back here and tell me what you think.

You will be a wonderful addition to the team!
Congratulations! I guess we'll be co-new writers. :) I'm sure you have a lot to offer over there.
Congrats on joining the BD team, Ali and Karla are amazing. I just learned of Ethan's passing, I hope you are well. Take care of you and your beautiful family, life is crazy, isn't it. We'll be neighbors soon. I don't know the names of neighborhoods in Tacoma, but we're within walking distance of the downtown museums, about 3-4 blocks. Not the prettiest neighborhood but definitely a cure for rural-town-itis! We're renting now, so we plan to be there 6mos-2yrs.
Rock on! Congratulations Dear Friend!
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