We've been living through some financial challanges the last two months and planning some major changes in how we live and work. I've been itching to blog about it for a couple of weeks now but could not let the secret out until now.
Scott took a new job last December that looked like it had a lot of promise. His job paid base plus commission. Based on what they told us, it looked good.
Only it wasn't. Over the course of the past year, changes in policy and pay cuts have lead to our incoming dropping a total of $1000 per month on average.
So, what are we going to do? THIS IS THE BIG PART that I've been dying to write about. Scott quit his job. His last day is tomorrow. He's striking out on his own.
Finances are going to be tight for a while until he can build up his own client base. In the meantime, we cashed out what was left of his IRA (it lost several thousands of dollars to the market recently anyway) to supplement any income he generates for the first few months. Between that and our expected tax return next year, we believe we have enough money to get us through to about April or May. Hopefully, it will be enough.
So, do you want to help us out? There's a few things you could do:
- Those of you who pray could add us to your prayer list.
- If you are subscribed to my blog, you could read the blog from the site instead of the reader/email.
- You could also click on the eHow button on the right side bar and check out my eHow articles and rate them. You'll find stars at the top near the title. I'm focusing on making learning fun and money saving tips/recipes. Maybe you'll find something helpful there. I only have 8 articles up so far but I'm working hard on putting more up as fast as I can. Ultimately, I'd like to build up a decent income from content writing and, eventually, freelance writing.
- Finally, if you are local and need computer work, drop me an email. My husband works on servers, PCs, and laptops and charges considerably lower rates than the competition and does better work too.
On a positive note, you can bet I'll be perfecting the art of saving money and sharing what I'm learning with all of you.

Of course I'll be praying for you guys! I so want this to work for all of you!
We are going through a similar situation. I will definitely be thinking of you when I attempt to pay bills and buy groceries.
Best wishes on your new endeavors!
My thoughts will be with your family through this tough time. Sometimes great changes come from a leap of faith!!
We sold our house in So. Cal and I quit my job so we could move and homeschool. Times are very tough but I am thrilled with our choice.
Where there is will, there IS a way!!!
I've been wondering when I'd get some details that Scott's been hinting at [smile].
Keep us posted so we can pray more specifically. I freaked out when I lost a few hundred dollars a month, I don't know what we'd have done if that number had been higher.
Hang in there, and may the Lord bless you both richly!
JoAnn, this is so exciting. I know it is really scary too, but in the long run, it sounds like it really is a good thing. How cool to be your own boss. Let me tell you if your dh does that kind of work, I am sure he is head and shoulders above what you can get at your local computer store. My dad used one of those and they knew nothing - he did not want to bother my dh, who loves doing that stuff, but in the end dh had to go out and fix it. So, I have to believe a reliable, well-priced alternative will be welcomed in your community. Make sure he markets to seniors - maybe post something at the senior center or if there is a retirement community near you. You would be surprised how many seniors use computers - dh is always helping older folks at church. Best wishes.
Congratulations on going out on your own! I'll definitely keep you in my prayers.
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