Friday, October 31, 2008

Rubber Chicken Anyone?

Soon (probably Saturday evening or Sunday), I'll be showing you how to save money cooking rubber chicken...

photo by wili-hybrid @

Well, NOT that kind of rubber chicken. More like this kind...

photo by ninjapoodles @

So, if whole chickens are on sale at your local store this week, go ahead and pick one up because I'm going to show you how to make that chicken streeeeeetch. While you are there, might as well buy two so you have one waiting in the freezer for the next time you have it.

We'll be making three meals with this one chicken. If you have a large family (or extremely hungry eaters, you may want to adapt and buy two chickens).

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The Four Week Vegan said...

I just bought 3 chickens yesterday. Plan on roasting one night and using carcass for your chicken tortilla soup. I look forward to seeing how you get 3 meals out of one bird :)