There's not a lot going on in the area. Here's a couple of other ideas for getting out of the house and a few events.
If you're getting cabin fever and need a change of scenary, consider letting the kids run, jump, and play at Odyssey 1. They have a large tunnel system, ball pits, large foam blocks, an arcade, and laser tag. It costs just $5.95 per child (adults free) for the play park and $1.95 for children under the age of 2. The under 2 crowd is free with paying older sibling. My kids love this play and are regularly asking me to take them there.
Check out a free play pass from any Tacoma or Pierce County Library and head over to the Tacoma Art Museum or Tacoma Children's Museum.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The South Hill Library is have a Be-Tween book discussion and movie for grades 4-6. The book and movie being discussed is James and the Giant Peach. The event is free and takes place from 12:30pm to 2:30pm.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Henry Art Gallery is fee today from 11am to 8pm.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The Parkland/Spanaway Library will be showing the Spiderwick Chronicles at 2pm. All ages welcome.
The South Asian Performing Arts Festival begins at the Seattle Center this weekend. Music and dancing from the region is featured in the this free two day event.
Today is Children's Day at Huntamer Park in Lacey. This free family event features music, children's entertainers, bouncy rides, and crafts.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The South Asian Performing Arts Festival continues. See Saturday for details.

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