Last Sunday, it was a perfect Fall day: sunny, not rainy, cool, but not too cold. If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you know how rare those perfect Fall days are. So, we took an unplanned visit to the park. While we didn't have a lot of time to spend there, we had a nice visit.
Wright Park is a large park located near downtown Tacoma. It was designed over 100 years ago and is home to the W.W. Seymour Botanical Conservatory which hosts live music the second Sunday of each month. We haven't been there in several years. We tended to avoid it, preferring parks in better areas with fewer riff-raff. It has undergone some renovations recently and we were presently surprised by what we found.
Here's a photo that I took from the play area looking down one of the trails. Isn't it beautiful? The Fall colors were in their full glory and squirrels were everywhere.

Before long, we left to walk around the pond. The pond underwent a major remodel. It's very nice now, featuring a small island with a statue of three children running along on it. One part of the pond is elevated higher than the other side. A small waterfall was created between the two halves under a bridge that goes across the pond.
The duck population is obviously used to people feeding them as they immediately headed our way when they saw us at the top of the bridge. Josh enjoyed pointing them all out.
On our way back to the car, we came to this large hill just begging to be rolled down so I suggested that the kids do just that. Mika said something about it being wet. Thinking it was just a little wet, I told her to do it anyway. She did. When she got to the bottom, she was soaked!
I think we'll have to head back to Wright Park. It was a beautiful park and the kids enjoyed the playground. Of course, the wonderful Fall weather helped with that a lot.

It looks like you had a wonderful outing at the park. Our family really enjoys days like that! :)
You have a fabulous blog.
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