Josh and I had a nice weekend away. We painted. We colored. We played blocks, ball, chase, and horsed around. We watched Ice Age (of course) and Garfield. We listened to loud music and danced. Every time a song was over, Josh turned and demanded, "Mo, mo, mo," until another song started. We even tried out scissors for the first time.
Then there were the outdoor activities. We walked back and forth from our lodge to the dining room collecting a yee (leaf), a rock, or a stick every so often. We walked the lake and looked at the mushrooms but didn't touch. There were at least five varieties. We even went on a canoe ride. Josh hated the getting in and out part but loved the ride itself. We enjoyed spending time together.
The kids missed us. Josh missed the kids and daddy. We had a silly homecoming.
Mika decided to give herself freckles. Sammy wanted in on it.
So, did Josh. Aren't they cute?
Every time I'm gone, I try to bring the kids back a surprise. This time I crocheted little gifts for them. Mika's been wanting some slippers so that's what she got. She hasn't taken them off since she got them.
Sammy got a hat to keep his nearly bald head warm for the winter.Then the kids all got involved in a light saber, pirate sword, and mega blaster fight with Daddy. Right before this photo, Josh was handing the blue light saber like an old pro. Then Daddy swooped in to save him.
I think everyone was in a good mood with everyone back together again.

The slippers look wonderful on Mika's feet and WOW the hat is amazing! I can't believe how fast you whip those things out.
I love the booties!!! If I bring some yarn can you show me how???
Welcome home. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Love the slippers!
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