Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We've been trying out some new desserts in our house as I haven't been interested in chocolate in the slightest. Pregnancy food-moods are strange, I tell ya!

Above was/is tonight's dessert. It is a lemon-coconut cake (made with lemon boxed cake mix and lemon gelatin). Then it was frosted with cream cheese frosting (rather than the fluffy white frosting of the recipe) and some flaked coconut. It's good...not the greatest...but good.

Now if you want great, you'll have to go to the Betty Crocker website and try their Honey Bun Cake. It is, by far, the BEST coffee cake type cake I've ever tasted. YUM!

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Anonymous said...

That sure does look yummy! I find myself eating things I would never eat if I wasn't pregnant. My poor hubby and son, they have to experiment with me!

The Four Week Vegan said...

You are just going to shame me into make a dessert. I will have to add one to my menu for next week.