Saturday, June 13, 2009

Baby names are still eluding us

We're still looking for baby names. We have a few options, but nothing standing out. Some of the options don't meet the criteria we usually look at...but we're getting desperate! LOL

What do you think of these?

Teyla Naomi
Julia Adin (pronounced Aw-deen)
Madelynn Kelsie
Emily Madison
Sophia Abigail

Jonathan David
Jacob Michael
Christopher Matthew
Jonathan Tyler

Any other suggestions?

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Montserrat said...

I have a nephew named Jonathan David! And a new one born a week ago named Jedidiah Ephraim. The boy names look good. I think the girl names might need some work. We have an Abigail but none of our girls have middle names so I can't help you there. :D

Lisa has 6 daughters said...

Love Sophia Abigail, they were both on our short lists each time, too. We have an Emilee and a Madelyn, so I had to chuckle when I saw that. We missed you in San Juan, I hope you're feeling wonderful.

The Four Week Vegan said...

Jonathan David is a winner for me.

If we had another girl, she would be Naomi, so love that, but not would have it be the first name and the other name the middle name.

~Mary~ 4boys4me said...

I've always loved the name Julia or Julianna. I like all the names you've chosen, though Emily Madison seems a little trendy and she may meet many many people with the same name. ;)