With my mind occupied with summer, getting next year's school work organized, and preparing for this birth, I haven't had a lot to post about lately. Then it occurred to me that I could talk about our curriculum for this coming school year. So, I'll be doing that, one subject at a time.
Today is spelling.
Spelling is changing for both my kids this year. Sam is leaving the world of Spectrum and will begin using Spelling Power. Mika is getting a break from formal language arts this year, but if our plans don't work out, she'll continue where she left off in Spelling Power.
Spelling Power is a spelling curriculum that covers all grades, 3 through 12. It costs about $65 which makes it a great deal when you consider that you won't need to buy another spelling curriculum ever.
We don't use Spelling Power the way it is set up to be used though. The curriculum provides spelling lists for each level, and suggested activities (for each learning style) to help the student practice and remember them. The day begins with a pretest, after which the student only works on learning those that he missed. The next day's pretest includes yesterday's missed words and any new words that you can fit into the time period. The program is suppose to take about 15 minutes a day. We skip most of this, primarily using just the lists.
Rather than using the activities listed in Spelling Power, we will use SpellQuizzer, a spelling software program that I blogged about a few months ago. Over the summer (probably while nursing the baby), I will be inputting Sam's lists into the program so that they are ready to go. Then each week, he can use SpellQuizzer to practice his spelling words. He loved his trial of the program; I think he'll enjoy spelling this year.
Mika, as I said, is getting the year off from formal language arts. Rather than working through her spelling lists, we'll simply be correcting any misspelled words in her other work.

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