Friday, November 27, 2009

A Nice Thanksgiving

We had probably the best Thanksgiving yet this year.

We stayed home. Just us. No relatives. No friends. Just our immediate family.

The kids played on the computer, Wii, and with each other. They also did some simple picking up in the main rooms and their bedrooms. Scott watched football and spent time on the computer. I cooked, did some cleaning, and relaxed.

Our menu was simple. We had dinner at the normal dinner time, which I prefer; I don't like eating early like many people do. I didn't cook everything I have in the past, and some dishes were simplified from my usual choices. It made it so I wasn't in the kitchen all that much. Here's what we ended up having:

Pumpkin Pie -- Made the night before

Apple Pie -- Made first thing in the morning. Mika helped me peel and cut the apples. This pie was for me since I can't have the pumpkin pie on my current dairy free diet.

Homemade Rolls -- Mika loaded the bread machine first thing in the morning for me while I made the crust for the pie. We used our usual recipe. Once the dough was done, I shaped them into rolls and baked in the oven.

Bacon-Wrapped Turkey Breast -- I bought just a little 3lb turkey breast this year and covered it in bacon. I did nothing else with it, and it was delicious. It only took 2 1/2 hours to cook.

Garlic Mashed Potatoes -- I made these dairy free as I always do now. Not quite as good as my usual Thanksgiving potatoes but much easier and cheaper to make. Easier on the waist-line, too.

Stuffing -- I skipped my favorite labor intensive stuffing recipe and just opened a couple of boxes of Stove Top. Done in 5 minutes. I made it with olive oil instead of butter to make them dairy free.

Green Beans -- I steamed these in my rice cooker with garlic and salt.

Corn -- You can't get any simpler than opening a can and heating it through.

Gravy -- I used the gravy packet that was provided with the turkey breast. It was a mediocre gravy so we'll use something else if we go the breast only route again.

Drinks: Sangria, Sparkling Apple Cider, and Sparkling Apple-Grape Cider

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

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