Traditionally, we let the kids open one present on Christmas Eve, and traditionally, that present is always new pajamas. It doesn't matter that they know what they are getting, they are excited to open their pajamas and see what I picked out for them. Today, they were begging to open their Christmas Eve jammies early this morning, and then again before dinner. They had to wait until after dinner, though.
You can see that Sam is excited to see his soft football-themed jammies.
Josh was assisted by Daddy. He does like this opening business, though.
Sam loves his soft football jammies.
I'm not sure why he chose to strike a taekwondo pose, though. : )
I'm not sure why he chose to strike a taekwondo pose, though. : )
Josh liked the opening gifts thing so much that he assisted Maddie with hers. It's also the only picture I could get of him in his Dino pjs. The shirt says, "here comes trouble," which is rather fitting. They came with brown, red, and cream plaid pants.
And here's Maddie sporting new pink jammies with a cute smiling frog on the chest. One foot is very pointy, too.

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