The assignment:
Write an apostrophe to a common object. Make it fun and funny.
O, Cardboard Box
by Mikaela Kuhn
O, cardboard box, how glorious thou be,
With thy open-up sides all brown and dusty.
O, thou gave me space for storage and decor.
But now, cardboard box, I must sadly say,
That thou is not large enough to hold all my stuff.
I throw thee out the door for that poor recycling truck.
by Mikaela Kuhn
O, cardboard box, how glorious thou be,
With thy open-up sides all brown and dusty.
O, thou gave me space for storage and decor.
But now, cardboard box, I must sadly say,
That thou is not large enough to hold all my stuff.
I throw thee out the door for that poor recycling truck.
She decided that she wasn't happy with her poem as is. She wanted it to rhyme better. So, we found a rhyming dictionary and she edited her poem more to her liking. Here's the new version:
O, cardboard box, how glorious thou art,
With thy sides all dusty and falling apart.
O thou gave me space for storage and décor.
But now, cardboard box, thou can help me no more,
For thou art not large enough, oh, tough luck!
I throw thee out the door for that poor recycling truck.

Love it! :)
Brilliant! :-D
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