Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Art is one subject that I've never done well with the kids.  It tends to get forgotten.  Sometimes it's just a lack of time.  Sometimes it's just a lack of planning.  This year, I wanted to really get serious about some of the areas of school that I've felt has been lacking in prior years.  I found Art Projects for Kids and fell in love with many most of the projects there.  So, I created a plan incorporating many of her projects focusing on specific artists.  I filled in the year with seasonal and holiday projects, and I suddenly found myself excited about the school year.  We're in week 4 of school, and we've already completed four art projects.

Our most recent project was to create a self-portrait by taking elements used by Hundertwasser, and Austrian artist.  I used the directions for this project from Art Projects for Kids.

Mika utilized her favorite color, blue, for the background and borders.

Sam decided to give himself horns; I don't know why.  I do like how his overall portrait came out, though.  It's quite interesting.

Always trying to find a way to include Josh, I drew a portrait of Josh and let him color it.

I also completed my own self-portrait.  I enjoyed this project and like how it turned out.

Scott asked me to draw one of him, so I obliged. Mika insisted that I include his gray hair.

Next, I'll be drawing one of Madelynn.  I don't want to leave her out.  It won't be done until sometime after Labor Day, though.

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Mommy to One said...

I love them!! You guys did such a great job! And yay for mommy getting in on the fun!

SaDonna said...

Great job! I can see the resemblence for sure!! ;-) How fun. I really like her blog and all the projects there. We are STILL waiting on CVA curriculum, including art.. so I have been filling in with some of these projects.