Today was an atypical school day for us. It demonstrates the flexibility we homeschoolers have in our school day while still being able to provide an excellent education to our children.
We woke up fairly early because we had to be out the door by 8:45am. With everything we needed in hand, we headed to MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). While at MOPS, I enjoyed talking to other homeschool moms that attend our MOPS group with Madelynn in my lap. She is not yet ready to enjoy the nursery on her own and was particularly well-behaved today. Meanwhile, Josh played and colored with his friend, Leif (he loves "[his] friend Leif"). My older two spent time attempting an art project, reading independently, and playing with a friend. I say attempting an art project because apparently they needed more than just the written directions to accomplish it.
Once we finally pried Josh away from his friend, we headed home where we ate lunch. After lunch, Mika took her math, history, and handwriting work upstairs with Josh. It was his nap time, but he wanted someone with him. Mika, being the sweet child that she is, volunteered to go up with him.
Meanwhile, I taught Sam his new math lesson for the week. Normally, we would have done the lesson on Monday but we were recovering from being sick and signing the lease for the house we are moving into so it didn't get done. Anyway, we covered the lesson, and I sat with him while he completed the first worksheet to ensure he understood it.
Here he is working on that worksheet.
After three problems, he got to this one. Part way through this problem, it really clicked. I knew he'd gotten it when part way through determining the coordinates, he says, "Hey! I think I just figured out the equation for this one. Now it will be easier to figure out these coordinates." Exactly the point, my math-loving son.
He's the ideal math student.
While I was watching over my son's shoulder, Mika came downstairs and offered to sit with Madelynn. While she was holding her, Madelynn fell asleep.
Mika got both littles down for their nap single-handedly. She's going to be an awesome mom some day! I could learn a thing or two from her.
Sam completed his history and handwriting while the kids finished their nap. Then, once everyone work up, we headed out to the park to take advantage of one of the few warm, sunny days left this year.

Go, Mika! What an asset she is to your family!
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