Sam loves Doctor Who. So, does Nik. In fact, Nik introduced us to Doctor Who in the first place. So, with both boys loving the same TV show and having birthdays just 5 days apart, we decided to have a mini joint birthday party...with a Doctor Who cake.
This is the cake. I spent something like 7 hours on this cake and have decided that either I'm doing something wrong or fondant is evil. Either way, the boys loved the cake.
We had Nik's family over. The kids played (all 13 of them). The adults talked. We ate cake and ice cream. The boys opened a couple of small gifts. We watched the Doctor Who Christmas special. We even gave a toddler a hair cut...not that that's a normal birthday party activity but it needed to be done, and I volunteered. It was a fun night.
The boys (Nik is sleeping over) will be camping out downstairs with a fire going in the wood stove. The girls will be snoozing it up in the comfy beds upstairs.

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