I am a member and frequent participant a a large and active homeschooling forum. Occasionally, my favorite kind of post pops up, the brag posts. You know the ones: someone's kid did something exceptional. Maybe Bobby got over a major hurdle in math. Or Jonathan earned his black belt in taekwondo. Perhaps Sue got second place in the regional spelling bee. I don't care what it is, I like hearing about these successes no matter how big or small. They are big for that child and mom wants to, needs to, shout out from the virtual rooftops: "Look what my kid did!"
Then every so often another type of post comes along. It's the "Am I the only one who hates these kinds of posts?" post. The mom complains that these brag posts, and another type of post, makes her feel inferior in some way. While Johnny passed his algebra final, at age 10, and her ten year old is struggling with basic multiplication tables. Others follow with agreements. These posts bring me down. They make me feel that I am wrong to be be excited for and proud of my kids, and to share these good times with others. Heck, sometimes these moms come right out and tell us to keep it to ourselves. Why do we have to throw it in their face anyway? So, I can't publicly share my joy because it might, no it will, make someone else feel bad.
Stop! No one is perfect. No is good at everything. There's something good about everyone. Can't we all just cheer each other on? Can't we be excited for each other without making it a personal commentary of our own feelings of inadequacy? Can't we just celebrate each other? And appreciate each other's strengths? Successes? No matter how big or small they are?
So, tell me:
What has your child, regardless of his or her schooling or age, done well recently? Tell me about his or her success.
Leave me a comment about your child (format: Jeremy ___________________.) for each of your kids and I will post a list of all of our proud moments in the next few days. I'll cheer for each and every one of your kids. I promise!
Then every so often another type of post comes along. It's the "Am I the only one who hates these kinds of posts?" post. The mom complains that these brag posts, and another type of post, makes her feel inferior in some way. While Johnny passed his algebra final, at age 10, and her ten year old is struggling with basic multiplication tables. Others follow with agreements. These posts bring me down. They make me feel that I am wrong to be be excited for and proud of my kids, and to share these good times with others. Heck, sometimes these moms come right out and tell us to keep it to ourselves. Why do we have to throw it in their face anyway? So, I can't publicly share my joy because it might, no it will, make someone else feel bad.
Stop! No one is perfect. No is good at everything. There's something good about everyone. Can't we all just cheer each other on? Can't we be excited for each other without making it a personal commentary of our own feelings of inadequacy? Can't we just celebrate each other? And appreciate each other's strengths? Successes? No matter how big or small they are?
So, tell me:
What has your child, regardless of his or her schooling or age, done well recently? Tell me about his or her success.
Leave me a comment about your child (format: Jeremy ___________________.) for each of your kids and I will post a list of all of our proud moments in the next few days. I'll cheer for each and every one of your kids. I promise!

Fun!! Grant puts 100% effort into his swimming lessons, and is doing surprisingly well on his backstroke and diving. PLUS he really loves it!
Man I am so with you on this one! This is a nice idea!!
Colin, my 18 month old, made it through today with out bumping, bruising or breaking anything. I know this may sound trite but if you knew him you would know how big this is!
Emmalee, 6, started gymnastics yesterday. She did mommy and me until she was 3 and back then she wouldn't touch the bar but yesterday she ROCKED it!!
Mollee, my big first grader helped me clean the living room on Saturday with a great attitude!
You KNOW I love this! I hope this is the beginning of a wave that sweeps across the country. I love cheering successes!
My son Kimo, who has been having trouble with math the last few school years, is finally getting the hang of it, and scored 100% on his last 3 tests! I like when a light goes on in their heads. :) Post more success stories people!
Susan! You have three kids. Where are your comments about them?
awesome joann!!! i agree, its a special thing to be able to celebrate others successes and have the humility to accept our own children right where God's created them to be. and that's all im saying right now because i'm dizzy and achey and can't think straight...
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