I recently purchased a set of these We Choose Virtues Flash Cards. When I first heard of these cards, I thought they looked like a perfect solution to a couple of issues we've been having lately. And my younger kids could grow up with them well-taught from the get-go. I couldn't wait to receive them. Now that I have, I'm thrilled with them. My kids have responded favorably as well, and the child that prompted the purchase has already started learning the ones he needs most. I can't wait to incorporate them in our daily routine with all of the kids once we start up with school.
We Choose Virtues offers several products, all with excellent quality printing and colors. The cute characters and bright colors are appealing to young kids. The Faith-Based Virtues Flash Cards are what we have. There are twelve virtues, including gentleness, attentiveness, and honesty. The front of each card depicts a character and the name of the virtue. The back of the card provides a simple definition in affirmation form (ie. "I watch and listen carefully.". There is an antonym to help the child know what not to do and a Scripture pertaining to the virtue.
I plan on using them the same way another homeschool mom uses them. Initially, we'll spend time together discussing the virtues and the information on the cards. We'll work on memorizing them, as well. Once the kids have memorized the definitions, I can call out the necessary virtue during times they need reminding. They will be taught to respond with the definition as a reminder of how they should be acting. With the cards, I'll have a way to discuss how we are expected to behave and a simple reminder wrapped into one. No more nagging!
Don't want Scriptures? That's fine. They also offer a community based set that is identical as the faith-based set, but without the Scriptures. They also make a poster listing all twelve virtues, which makes a great reference tool for reminding children of the behavior you expect. There are also posters for each virtue, teacher's cards, and a chart and sticker set available.
Now here's the exciting part: You can win a set of Faith-Based Virtues Flash Cards!
To enter, check out We Choose Virtues and leave a comment on this post telling me which product interests you the most. For a second entry, tell your friends about the giveaway via your blog, Facebook, or Twitter and leave a second comment telling me about it. Make sure I have a valid email with which to contact you. Leave a separate comment for each entry. Entries will be closed at midnight on August 23rd. I'll select the winner via random drawing (random.com) on August 24th. If I cannot contact the winner, another will be chosen.
Can't wait?
For a limited time, use the promo code "JoAnn" to purchase the Virtues Flash Cards (faith or community based), a $19.99 value, or only $11.99 (an $8 savings).
The Virtues Poster is currently $5 off, as well.
Good luck!

This is right on time for me! I have been looking for an inexpensive resource for character training. Thanks for the chance to win.
Sounds great! I'd love to get my hands on those flashcards! Happy to hear they are working out well for your family.
This is AWESOME! i like the faith based cards that are aprt of the giveaway, and what a great sale! Are you so proud to have a coupon code named after you?? :)
These look great! I am most interested in the family community based set :)
I like the virtue flash cards for the faith based family. Lots of fun stuff!
Wow, thanks for sharing! That is what we plan to work on this year as part of our homeschool. Virtue Flash Cards-faith based family are the set that interests me most. I am also posting this info on my blog, Garden Tenders, http://gardentenders.blogspot.com/
I have shared the info now via my blog. http://gardentenders.blogspot.com/2011/08/just-have-to-share.html
Hi, I stumbled across your site and it is just what I was looking for - I am new to homeschooling my children and these look like a perfect thing for me to add to our morning routine! Thanks!
Facebook Posted as well :) Thank you for the opportunity!
I'm just beginning my search for great materials to homeschool my three young boys. I taught in the publice school and enjoyed the Character counts they included into their curriculum, but when i heard about these that included scripture with them, i was so excited. The We choose Virtues faith based flash cards are exactly wht i'm looking for!! I'm sort of interested in the teacher cards as well!
These look like a great product! I was also looking at the 100 days chart. That might be fun to do with my girls. Thanks for the chance to win the cards! :)
wpooh_9 at hotmail dot com
I shared this on my FB! What a great giveaway! :)
wpooh_9 at hotmail dot com
When the children are young it is so important to work on attitudes, even more than schoolwork. The bookwork will come, but the attitudes and willingness to do chores is essential for younger children.
How fantastic! I would love a set of the faith based Virtue flash cards. Thanks!
Jasmine sugarplum2526@yahoo.com
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