My grand hopes of doing school with Josh (and Maddie joining in) are not working out as I had hoped.
One of the main problems is that I'm so busy with Mikaela and Sam's school needs (lesson planning, organizing, grading, teaching), that I don't always have time for the littles. I'm hoping that as I get the lesson planning and organizing done, I'll have more time.
The second problem is Josh's interest. He's already resisting 5 minutes of calendar and 5 minutes of phonics. All he wants to do is play on the computer, play on the Wii, or watch TV. If I deny him those, then he goes outside if he can and wanders around.
I did manage to get him to sit down with a tray of sugar. I was hoping to review the vowels, and get him to write each one at least once. I managed to get him to do just a capital A before he refused to cooperate anymore.
Then he decided to do this with the sugar instead:
He said he was giving himself a mustache.
Meanwhile, Maddie wanted to be cleaned up and gave me this look when I asked her to wait a minute:
I was trying to help Mika and Sam with their science project, and was taking pictures of what they were doing so I had the camera in hand to capture this wonderful look.
I did manage to get Josh to do one phonics lesson this week. I wrote sa, se, si, so, and su on the board and went through sounding them out. I added ending letters to show him some words, and he got a kick out of that. Today (Sunday), he grabbed one of the kids Bibles and wanted to bring it to church because he could read now. I'm hoping he'll become more motivated after I sneak in a few more lessons, and he sees that he really is learning to read.
I'd like to get him doing prewriting exercises, math, and more library book reading at some point. I also wish we had more freedom to do more trips like I did with Mika and Sam when they were little, but having older kids ties us to home more. We do have a field trip to a cider mill this coming week though.
One of the main problems is that I'm so busy with Mikaela and Sam's school needs (lesson planning, organizing, grading, teaching), that I don't always have time for the littles. I'm hoping that as I get the lesson planning and organizing done, I'll have more time.
The second problem is Josh's interest. He's already resisting 5 minutes of calendar and 5 minutes of phonics. All he wants to do is play on the computer, play on the Wii, or watch TV. If I deny him those, then he goes outside if he can and wanders around.
I did manage to get him to sit down with a tray of sugar. I was hoping to review the vowels, and get him to write each one at least once. I managed to get him to do just a capital A before he refused to cooperate anymore.
Then he decided to do this with the sugar instead:
He said he was giving himself a mustache.
Meanwhile, Maddie wanted to be cleaned up and gave me this look when I asked her to wait a minute:
I was trying to help Mika and Sam with their science project, and was taking pictures of what they were doing so I had the camera in hand to capture this wonderful look.
I did manage to get Josh to do one phonics lesson this week. I wrote sa, se, si, so, and su on the board and went through sounding them out. I added ending letters to show him some words, and he got a kick out of that. Today (Sunday), he grabbed one of the kids Bibles and wanted to bring it to church because he could read now. I'm hoping he'll become more motivated after I sneak in a few more lessons, and he sees that he really is learning to read.
I'd like to get him doing prewriting exercises, math, and more library book reading at some point. I also wish we had more freedom to do more trips like I did with Mika and Sam when they were little, but having older kids ties us to home more. We do have a field trip to a cider mill this coming week though.

I have a 4 yr old too and she likes to keep each lesson to about 15 minutes. To go for longer stretches we have to really make things hop and move along or she get's antsy. You know you can do it!
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