Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tacoma Kids Weekly: Fun Low Cost Events

Have you been wondering what happened to the Tacoma Kids Weekly post?

Well...have you ever had one of those days when you looked at your clock and wondered what happened to the time? Today is one of those days for me. So far today, I've built wooden race cars with the kids at Home Depot, taken a taekwondo class with my son, had a lunch date with my son, and researched events for today's Tacoma Kids Weekly post while nursing my baby. I just noticed it was 5pm already!

So here's the events for this week (March 3rd through March 9th) I've managed to dig up for you.

1. Izilla Toys has another free and fun-sounding event for the kids. Monday, March 3rd, from 2pm to 5pm, Izilla Toys is hosting a Playmais Play Day. Playmais is a 100% biodegradable and safe crafting material for kids. It looks like colorful packing peanuts but when moistened it sticks to itself and is somewhat moldable. What's amazing is that it is made from corn, water, and natural or food dyes. Check it out for free at Izilla Toys.

2. The Milton Library has a really neat sounding program called the Fireside Story League which features real storytellers who tell stories not from a book but from their experiences. Storytelling from experience is something that is often missing our children's lives in modern American culture and this may help fill that gap. The next storytelling is Monday, March 3rd at 7pm.

3. University of Puget Sound is offering another complimentary (free) concert. Organs at Noon will take place Friday, March 7th and feature an all-Bach program in honor Johann Sebastian Bach's birth. Concert starts at 12:05pm at the Kilworth Chapel.

4. Later that evening, the University Wind Ensemble will be offering a complimentary concert at 7:30 p.m. in the Schneebeck Concert Hall.

5. Then Saturday, March 8th, the Adelphian Concert Choir will be performing in the Kilworth Chapel at 7pm. Admission is free; no tickets are required.

6. Museum of Flight is free from 5-9pm on Friday, March 7th.

7. Friday evening will also be a good time to visit the Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum because it, too, will be free from 5-8pm.

8. Consider visiting the Seattle Art Museum, March 7th anytime between 10am and 9pm because it will be free all day. Perhaps you can travel up to Seattle to visit the art museum and then visit one of the evening venues afterwards.

9. The Seattle Asian Art Musuem is also free Friday, March 7th from 10am to 9pm.

10. On Saturday, March 8th, Seattle Art Museum is having a Family Fun event called "Marvelous Mosaics." After exploring the Roman Art from the Louvre exhibit, then create our own mosaic art. The program takes place from 10am to noon and is designed for ages 12 and younger. The program is included with admision which is $20 for adults and free for accompanying children ages 12 and under. Registration is required; follow the link above. If you are studying ancient Rome, this would be a great addition to your studies. They even have a comprehensive educator's resource guide at this link. Then, when you are finish, explore the rest of the museum; there are several areas that would be great for exposing children to art.

11. The Seattle Repertory Jazz Orchestra is hosting a Jazz4Kids Concert at Benaroya Hall on Saturday, March 8th at 4pm. The program will feature live jazz music, instrument demonstrations, and questions from the audience. It is free for children and their accomanpanying adults. Call ahead for tickets 206-523-6159.

12. Auburn Avenue Theater presents Three Little Pigs (as told from the wolf's point of view) and Stinky Cheese Man on Saturday, March 8th at 2pm. This show is designed for children grades K-4 and their families. Call 253-931-3043 to purchase tickets, $6.

13. Kentridge Performing Arts Center in Kent is performing "The Little Mermade" features 50 local students in grades K-12. The show is recommended for preschool through grade 5 kids. Shows are Saturday, March 8th at 3pm and 7pm. Tickets are $5.

14. The Adefua Music and Dance Company is performing at the Lakewood Library on Saturday, March 8th at 11am. Go hear African fold dancing aimed at spreading the message that all people are equal.

15. Here's another Pierce County Library event. Mary Shaver's marionettes will be performing Beauty and the Beast on Saturday, March 8th at 10:30am at the Parkland/Spanaway Library.

Have a fun and educational week!

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