Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Don't know when I'll be back again. Leaving...

Actually, I'm not leaving in a jet plane and I do know when I'll be back again. We're packing up the mini-van and heading down south to Cannon Beach, OR for our annual camping trip. We'll be gone for five days this year. Normally, we only stay three but last year's perfect weather left us wanting more so we reserved a longer stay. This year's iffy weather has me hoping it works out and we aren't too bored. The forecast for rain our entire stay has changed to rain this morning, partly sunny for two days, and mostly cloudy for two days with daytime high's in the low 60's to low 70's...not exactly what I'd call beach weather. But we'll make the best of it.

I'm hoping to bring enough to keep the kids busy. We'll continue with our basic school work while we are there and have a couple of read alouds to bring. I'm packing up a couple of games and a punch art craft set. We also have a brand new all-terrain wagon for dragging stuff to the beach (we're camping four blocks from the beach) but the kids can play with it in camp too. Hopefully, there'll be some other kids at the campground around the same age as mine. That's always nice but doesn't always happen since it is a small private campground with only 19 sites.

There's no internet or cell phone coverage at the campgrounds. Hopefully, I'll be able to walk the few blocks to the local coffee shop that offers wireless internet a couple times to check email and maybe post. I don't know...we'll have to see. There will be no Tacoma Kids Weekly this week because of this. I just don't think me disappearing for a couple of hours to research and post that will be much appreciated by the family...sorry! So, see you back for that next weekend.

Have a great Labor Day!

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Anonymous said...

Have fun! "See" ya when you return. :)