It is time for the Bloggy Giveaways. Over a thousand bloggers will be offering giveaways this week. Each blogger will be offerring something different. The prizes include gift cards, homemade items, books, and more. Be sure to stop by Bloggy Giveaways for a list of the other bloggers offering prizes this week. Stop by as many as you wish, leave them a comment, and cross your fingers and hope you win. Have fun.
My Giveaway
Four Episodes of Hunters in the Sky
Are you studying World War II? Do you know a World War II enthusiast? Does a family member enjoy learning about historical airplanes and their pilots? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you'll like this giveaway.
This giveaway is for the first four volumes of Hunters in the Sky presented by Bob Dole. Each VHS tape is new, in its original plastic packaging, and suitable for giving as a gift. Below are the episode descriptions from the back of the boxes:
Volume 1: What Separated the Hunters from the Hunted
Knights in the Sky
Defending the Realm
The Battle of Britain
Volume 1 details the flory of Ameria's pilot heroes as well as the terifying antics of Luftwaffe, Red army, Royal Air Force and Japanese aeronautical legends. You'll get a bird's eye view of the fighter pilot's personality, as survivors from all sides tell their stores of troubles, tactics, and triumphs. See the famous Battle of Britain, military history's most significant air conflict, in this thrilling video anthology which shows exactly why he who rules the sky will dominate the battlefield.
Volume 2: Waging War in the Heart of the Reich
Big Friends, Little Friends
Struggle for Supremacy
Volume 2 spotlights the struggle for supremacy in the war-torn skies over Europe as, from the first to the last, nations frantically seek to give their fighter pilots the winning edge in planes, engines, guns, and tactics in ferocious aerial combat by day and night. Now equipped with long-range fighters, American aces escort heavy bombers to distand targets in the ehart of the Reich, and the Germans shock the Allies by winning the race to commit jet and rocket fighters to the battle--a race won too late. Herman Goring sees P-51s over Europe and admits that, for the Third Reich, at least, the war is lost.
Volume 3: Who Will Prevail?
Hell in the Pacific
Assault on the Fortress Europe
Volume 3 lives through the United States' stunning triumph at Midway--as Japan lost 4 carriers, 300 planes and over 3,500 mean. See why the introduction of the outstanding F4U Corsair and the Lockheed P38 Lighting blazed the trail toward VJ DAy and forever changed the course of aeronautical history! Watch as the Allies take the offensive as the tide turns against the Axis in the Mediterranea and Europe. The fury of the war in the air takes a heavy toll on attacker and defender alike but the undermanned and outgunned Luftwaffe is definat in the face of certain defeat.
Volume 4: Flying in the Pacific
Closing the Ring
Victory in the Pacific
Volume 4 shows how the Marine valor paved the way for the aerial assualt on Japan. During the relentless march westward, the rivalry heats up between top aces Dick Bong and Toy McGuire, and Admiral Yamamoto is the victim of aerial assessination. After the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot, Japenese air power declines as American fighter pilots in the Pacific reac the zenith of their deadly profession.
There is one more volume in this series but I don't have it to give you. If you wish to complete the series on your own, you can find it here at It is only a few dollars plus shipping.
Please Read the Fine Print
One comment per person please. Please be sure to leave your email address or have it easily accessible via your profile so that I can contact you if you win. Entries without contact information will be ineligible. The comments will close at midnight Pacific time on Friday October 31, 2008. Winner will be selected randomly and I will notify the winner by email on Saturday. Winners have 3 days after I notify them to reply with their shipping address. If I do not receive your shipping address within three days, the prize will be given to the next randomly drawn name. This contest is open to bloggers and non-bloggers alike. This contest is open to those with domestic and international addresses. Shipping will be via the least expensive method so be patient with shipping times.

this is EXACTLY what i need with our history lessons! benjamin would love them!
My son is a total history buff! He would LOVE these videos!
this looks awesome! i love history and i know my brothers would enjoy them,too!
My Hubby was just saying last night, that he wanted some WWII DVD's that he saw on Time-Life. He would LUV this! Thanks :)
my hubby the historian would love these movies!!
My husband told me I better try to win these! lol... So here I am trying to win them. These look pretty interesting! ( we both home schooled and plan on HS our kids too)
Would love this set of videos!
cbdavey at hotmail dot com
My husband loves history and he's even in the US Navy so he'd be psyched to win these! I'd also use them for when my children are older as a learning experience with curriculum!
Kristinia- Loving Heart Mommy
kristinia AT lovingheartmommy DOT com
These are great! My boys are so into history, and this is right up their alley!
My kids and husband would love these! What a great giveaway idea. Thanks!
dsmoore1 @
My sons would LOVE these!
I loooove studying/reading/learning about WW2. It's my favorite historical era/event to focus on. My husband is a fan as well!
My husband and i love history!!! He would be thrilled for me to win this!!!
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would love to give this to my dad for a christmas gift! He LOVVVES history and would love these DVDs!!
XWildHopeX at hotmail dot com
My FIL would love these!
My husband would love these!!
I'm in katelynthames AT yahoo DOT com
My sister is a WWII buff and a history teacher - this would be perfect for her!
I know I would enjoy these, but my DH's Grandpa would go crazy for them!
My father inlaw loves watching this type of thing.
Sounds great! My husband would love these videos.
What a wonderful giveaway! These would get a great deal of use in our homeschool. Thank you for doing this!!
momof3inparadise at aol dot com
What a great giveaway! My father would love this!
my 8 year old loves history!
We're studying the Revoluntionary War right now, but we'll get to WWII eventually!
Oh the people I know that would love this set.... Thanks for a chance.
Thanks for running this contest. We home school, and my whole family will love these!
My husband is a history NUT and would love these! We don't plan to homeschool but we do plan to home-supplement our daughters' schooling when they are actually in school...
Wow - we homeschool too, this would be great to add to our library!
We would love these!
would love to win...looks great, please enter
My son would love these for Christmas! Thanks for offering this prize.
I would love to give this to my husband for Christmas - he would enjoy it very much. We could then save them for studies when my boys are older - we just started homeschool K this year. Thank you! This is a terrific give away!
What a great giveaway! I think my whole family would enjoy watching these! Thank you so much for doing this giveaway for us!
My husband and son would be particularly interested in this. My FIL was in the Berlin Air Lift and they have a real love of all things air craft.
My sister would LOVE this! (And so would I!) Thanks for a great giveaway!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
This would be great since I homeschool. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would like this for myself as I could learn so much from them. Thanks for the giveaway. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com
What a fun giveaway!
My husband would LOVE these. I hope I can win them for him
We could SO use these!
My husband would love these. He is a huge fan of stuff like this on the History channel
Oooh, this would be a PERFECT christmas gift for my father in law. He is all about aviation and world war two! Crossing my fingers!!
I don't homeschool, but my friend does so I would give them to her, after we checked them out. My son loves LOVES history, and watches the history channel all the time, he would adore this set.
What a fantastic collection. This will really help with history. Thanks for the giveaway.
The Mr. wants these so bad!
bettinawellmaker at gmail dot com
Ben would love these - he's turning into quite a history buff!
Very nice! Thanks for the contest :D
I'd love to be able to give these to my DH for Christmas!
I would so enjoy watching these with my DH, history is so interesting
Both my dad and Grandpa are HUGE military enthusiasts (and veterans) -- this would be a huge hit. Thanks!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
My dad would go nuts for this, would make an amazing gift for him!
I would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway, and happy halloween!
My dh would love this!
My husband and sons would enjoy these.
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
Looks great. WWII is getting farther and farther away and the vets are dying off. We need to see this history, don't we!?
Thanks for having the giveaway!
We're just starting out, but I'm sure that we could use these videos in our future homeschooling! Thanks for the chance to win!
My son is totally into WW II. We homeschool so I am sure we could fit this in somewhere. Thanks for the chance!!
Oh, my 16yr would just LOVE to receive these at Christmas.
What a wonderful prize. Thank you!
These would be great for use in our homeschool, if I would be able to pry them out of my husband's hands...
karla at
My son (and husband) would absolutely LOVE these...
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