Sometimes I wonder if you all think we have a lot of money. I mean, we are always going somewhere, right? It's expensive to go to all these places... children's museums, art museums, history museums, living history musuems, fairs and festivals, live theater, concerts, and everywhere else we go come with steep admission rates. Not if you know how to find the free days, special discounted events, and coupons. I've written a basic article about How to Save Money on Entertainment Without Staying Home on ehow.
I'll be adding more articles in that series that discuss each suggestion in more detail. I'll update you here as I post new articles. You can also check this post listing all of my published articles; it will be updated after each new article is published. Another way to stay up on what I'm writing is to click on the eHow button on the right side bar. It will take you to my profile at eHow.

Whoa! You're on eHow? That's way cool. I've yet to submit anything there... maybe because I don't know how to do too much [smile].
Good stuff.
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