If you've read my blog for long, you may have noticed that I like to add fun activities to our studies. We don't just read the textbook or novel, we live it. It is the addition of these kid friendly activities that makes history, science, and classic literature enjoyable.
When it comes to reading and studying literature, there are many ways to add to the enjoyment of the novel. Strategies as simple as being comfortable and reading every day at a consistent time are easy to implement. Other strategies such as reading aloud using voices, acting out a scene or character, and discussing the book using well-chosen questions may take you out of your comfort zone. Enriching your experience by watching the film or live theater adaptations or going on related field trips take research and preplanning. Regardless of what strategies you use to make reading classic children's literature to your children more enjoyable, it is worth the extra effort.
To read more details about these strategies, read my eHow article How to Make Literature Fun for Your Homeschool Child.

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