This is the snowman cake that I just finished putting together for tomorrow's party. We are having a small, simple Christmas party for the kids and a few families we know. There will be chips, apple juice, and cake for the kids. The grown-ups get New York cheesecake and chocolate pie (Pioneer Woman's recipe but with an Oreo crust). The grown-ups will get to chat while the kids do some simple paper crafts and play. It should be lots of fun although I'm pretty sure half the guests may be stranded by snow and unable to make it.
This is our garland. It's my favorite Christmas decoration and the last thing I finally got up today. The bows are made from 2-inch wide red satin ribbon with gold borders on both sides. There are also small, red, glass ornaments along it giving it a berry look. I have another longer one on another trim in the room too.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
The cake is adorable - perfect for the kids. Have a super party!
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