Today is Sammy's (excuse me, Samuel's) birthday. He'll be 7 today...but not until 11:30pm. One of our birthday traditions is to let him stay up for his birthday and then the New Year. So, that's exactly what we are doing tonight.
We've invited some friends of ours (with four kids) to join us for pizza, cake and ice cream, playing, playing on the Wii, and staying up for his birthday and the New Year. Then the kids...all of them...will spend the night, camped out on our living room floor. We'll celebrate New Year's Day with homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast. He's looking forward to it.
And I have a request for YOU. My husband started this on his blog. Sammy likes maps. Could you, would you, leave him a birthday wish with your city and state so we can map out where you all are from? Pretty please!?

Hi Samuel,
Happy 7th Birthday.
May all of your dreams and wishes come true.
From the Drewer Family
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
A very happy birthday to you, Samuel! May you have a fantastic celebration and new year!
Lehtola Family
Bel Air, Maryland
Hi Samuel,
WOW! You are seven this year. Congratulations! Have a great evening celebrating.
The Goodwin Family (AKA Once)
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Happy 7th Birthday Samuel!
From the Kanak Family
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Happy Birthday from Chicago!
My own DD is 2's fun to have your birthday on a special day like NYE, huh?
Hi Samuel,
7 years old? That's awesome! I hope you have a GREAT Birthday!
From Brindee on Homeschool Spot
Washington State
Happy Birthday to Samuel from Jenny and Family in Orlando, Florida.
Happy Birthday from England! Have a wonderful day.
MeganP (from the WTM boards) :-)
Happy birthday from Asheville, NC! Hope it's great!
Happy Birthday to Samuel!!! What a special birthday you have!
Fullerton, CA
Happy Birthday, Samuel!
From the Weinstocks in
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Happy Birthday! Have a great year, sweetie.
Olympia, WA
Hi Samuel from Santa Clara, California. I hope you have a great day.
JenneinAZ (we moved to CA!)
Happy Birthday from Waikiki Hawaii, from someone who lives in Norman Oklahoma!
Happy Birthday Samuel!
The White Family
Florence, SC
Happy Birthday Samuel! Hope your year is wonderful!
The Schesser family
Iwakuni, Japan
Happy Birthday from Hillside Illinois! (just west of Chicago) Hillside's claim to fame...the grave of Al Capone!
A belated happy birthday to Samuel
Dare to dream, they can come true
especially for a great kid like you
from snid
Hull, England
Happy Birthday Samuel! We have a seven year old here too!
From the Sheppard Family
Huntsville, Alabama
Home of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center and Space Camp!
Happy Birthday from Englewood, Colorado!
happy birthday, Samuel! He is a cutie.
Am I the latest? Is there a prize for that? ;-)
Happy Birthday Sam!!!!!
PuyALLup, WA
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