Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Personal Potty Attendant

Do you have a personal potty attendant? I do.

You know how moms of littles can't use the restroom without being followed or at least without someone banging on the locked door? Well, Joshua has taken his role even further.

He follows me in there and closes the door for me.

If the cats or dog want to come in, too, he lets them in as well.

Then he hands me the roll of toilet paper because he knows I'm going to need it.

When I am finished, he flushes the toilet for me.

Then he drops the toilet seat cover down with a crash.

Finally, he opens the door to let me out.

He's my personal potty attendant! Isn't that nice?

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The Four Week Vegan said...

LOL - you arel iving the high life there :)

My guess is he will be easy to potty train.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! I do! I do! LOL

Mommy to One said...

LOL, that's too funny! What a servant's heart. :-) My (not so) little guy ends up picking the lock from the outside. 2 minutes without full access to Mommy is just too much to ask. Yes, we still need to work on privacy.

Unknown said...

My personal potty attendant hasn't learned all those skills yet. I'll have to work on her!!