Samuel, formerly known as Sammy, turned 7 on New Year's Eve and had a great birthday party. We invited some friends (4 siblings) to spend the night and had a blast. To start the evening, we shared pizza and apple juice. Once the kids all ate, most of them ran upstairs to play while a few of the youngest watched The Huffalump Movie.
After a while, everyone got restless so we opened presents to give our tummies more time to make room for cake. His friends gave him a nice chapter book and children's devotional. Mom and Dad gave him sparring gear for his taekwondo. He immediately wanted to try it on.
Having watched many classes, Josh knew just what to do and began beating on his older brother.
Then everyone else lined up to take shots at him, including Daddy.
After everyone had their fill beating up Samuel, we moved to cake. He loved his Star Wars Episode 3 cake. We had the store modify a Madagascar cake and then we added Obi Wan and Anakin action figures that were received as Christmas presents.
After cake, we spent the rest of the night (several hours) playing games on the Wii. Table tennis on Mario and Sonic at the Olympics and Dance Dance Revolution were the hits of the evening. Here's Samuel hitting a perfect on DDR while all the girls line dance along with him.
At midnight, we greeted the New Year and settled down for another showing of The Heffalump Movie to help the youngest settle down to sleep. He wanted to go home to his mommy until we suggested the movie.
We woke up the next morning entirely too tired and enjoyed homemade cinnamon rolls. Samuel loved his birthday party!

That was a super party!!! How very clever of you to have the store modify the cake and then add your own figures.
Awwww...sounds like everyone had a great time! Happy birthday to Sammy!!
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