Cold, gray, and rainy is normal weather for this time of year. We got a rare sunny and warmish (59 degrees) day yesterday and it was such a treat. We just had to take advantage of it so we skipped school...or part of it. We left the house to turn in some library books and deposit this month's money in the bank. We stopped by home to pick up my forgotten cell phone and do a quick 15 minutes pick up on the house before heading out again. This time to fast food lunch and the park. It was nice.
The park was warm. The play ground was filled toddlers and preschoolers. My kids were the only school-age kids there. It's a good thing they like each other and play well together. We enjoyed our time there and my eyes got the benefit of seeing some real light. Wonderful!
Not only that but the kids finished their school work in the evening after we got back.
Guess what! Today is suppose to be the same way. Guess what we'll be doing? Yep, you guessed it. We'll be hitting the park...a different one today. Shhhh! The kids don't know yet.

Sure BRAG about your warn sunny day whilst your poor dad freezes for 2 weeks in Chicago. I don't think its been above frezing here yet. :-( Dad
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