Sunday, February 22, 2009

Washington History Museum Free Day

For those of you who live locally, I have a great history opportunity for you.

On February 28, 2009 (next Saturday), the Washington State History Museum in downtown Tacoma is free all day. Park at the Tacoma Dome station for free and take the light rail (also free) a couple stops to the museum.

Free Parking.
Free Light Rail Ride.
Free Museum.

Can you get a better deal?

The occasion is the opening of the "Women's Votes, Women's Voices" Exhibit. The celebration begin at 11am and continue with activities for the kids (11:30-1:00), music, refreshments (12:00), a women's march through the museum (1:00) that ends in the auditorium with performance. Get more detailas at their website.

Our favorite part of the museum is the Great Hall of Washington History. There is also a difficult scavanger hunt you can ask for at the front desk. It'll take a while to complete so if you do it give yourself plenty of time and ask for help on the ones you can't find.

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