I have a pregnancy ticker at the top of my blog. It reminds me of how close to delivery I am. Technically, given that I'm 37 weeks tomorrow, I could have this baby at any time. However, I'm hoping the big day waits a bit longer. I have stuff to do, ya know.
I've been in panic mode for a while. I will soon have a newborn, a very active two year old, and two grade school kids to take care of. As of August 17th (our official first day of school), I'll be responsible for taking care of these kids, completing the planning and organizing for the 2009/2010 school year, teaching the older two, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and everything else that comes with being a mom. It's too much...especially when your house is cluttered and disorganized. So, I've been trying to do what I can to make that time easier, namely decluttering, organizing, and cleaning. Soon, I'll be planning and organizing the curriculum I do have and ordering the curriculum I still need to get. I figure getting as much of this done as possible can only help, right?
Part of the problem is that I'm 37 weeks pregnant. My stamina is not what I'd like it to be. It seems for every productive day that I have, I require three or four days of recovery days. It makes getting this stuff done take a lot longer! I also need to consider the needs of my kids and family; I can't just keep them sequestered indoors when the weather is nice. So, I also need to fit in there supervising outside play, going to events/places that are fun and free, and taking care of day to day needs.

I hear ya. I am starting homeschooling in September and by January I will have two kids under two in cloth diapers, just moved to a bigger house and an 8-year-old to homeschool. I get a bit panicked when I think about it too.
I can just so totally relate! i think we will have our babies around the same time, and it seems so overwhelming. its also not helping that i can't properly nest, though i'm trying to think of things i can do sitting.... anyway, i can totally commiserate!
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