Have you signed your kids up for your library's summer reading program? It is a great way to motivate your kids to keep reading and learning through the summer.
The Tacoma Library just had their big kick off for their summer reading program, but it isn't too late to sign your kids up. All kids meeting their reading goal by August 15th, will receive a drawstring bag and 2 tickets (child and parent) to Pt. Definance Zoo, good on August 22nd. The library has arrange for Nanda to perform at 11am...get to the outdoor theater early for the best seats.
In addition to the free zoo tickets, every week there will be a drawing for a weekly prize. Kids will be entered into each week's drawing when they read another book and report it at the library or online. If your child finishes their ten books before the end of the program, they can continue to read to enter the weekly drawings. There is one winer each week.
Meeting the reading goal is easy. All kids have to do is read 10 books at their grade level. Qualifying reading includes any library book, magazine, graphic novel, or audio book. (They request that only library books are read towards the goal.) Younger kids can participate by listening to audio tapes or mom/dad reading books to them.
My kids are well on their way to finishing their goals. Mika is finished with five books already, and she'll be finishing her sixth later today. Sam has finished two books. I'm especially proud of him because his books have been on a sixth grade reading level! Josh has finally shown some interesting in being read to, rather than just looking at pictures and turning pages, and has finished four books. I know we'll be at the zoo on August 22nd. Will you?

Love the library summer reading program here too. Well, my older two always loved it, my youngest did it a couple of times, but was never very into it.
I used to love reading and always went the the library. I have a new book now and need to get to it. I have two kids that love reading and one not so interested.
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