Crazy busy brings to question, "When will we actually do school work?"
That's the question I've been pondering this crazy busy week I've created for myself. Oh my! My head is just swimming with trying to figure out how to get everything into the schedule.
The week started out behind because of the Puyallup Fair. You see, I opted to take my kids to the fair Friday rather than do school work. Then our weekend turned out to be pretty full so we didn't finish out the week over the weekend. That means that when Monday came around, we had to finish last week's school first. Add to that the fact that I haven't had time to look over their independent work for two weeks (though I assume they are understanding it all just fine) and I didn't have this week's work ready.
Then there's the fact that I have a few subjects that we haven't started doing yet. I was hoping to start them this week but...well...I haven't had time to prepare them. Most of these require me to do some prep for us to do. Guess they'll be put off a bit longer.
Then there's all the other things scheduled. While some of it is educational and some of it makes for a fun week, it also makes it hard to get the basics in there.
Monday: I had a ton of errands to run. We went to two banks, Target, the library, the post office, and DSHS. After all that, there was lunch to prepare and eat. Then we tried to fit in some school work; we got math, logic, problem solving, history, science, and art done. Then I had to get some dishes washed, dinner cooked, and head out to my weekly Monday night meeting.
Tuesday: I decided to go to MOPS with a friend. So, we got dressed, did our morning chores, ate a quick breakfast, and headed out early. When we returned, it was time to nurse Madelynn, prepare and eat lunch, and start school. We managed to finish Bible, social skills, math, logic, and history today. As soon as I hit "publish post" on this post, Mika and I have two more errands to run while Sam is at taekwondo (Scott was kind enough to take Josh with him). Hopefully, we'll get some more done this evening, but it isn't likely.
Wednesday: We have a friend coming over to do a craft with us. The craft goes with our history studies so it is officially school work but we still need to fit some other subjects in there.
Thursday: The only day with something not scheduled. We'll have to buckle down and get stuff done because...
Friday: We're having a playdate with a friend. We'll likely be gone most of the day. Sam will probably miss taekwondo this day as well.
Some where in there, I'm hoping to catch up on some blog posts. I have last week's weekly report, this week's weekly report, a post on the Puyallup Fair, a post on the Pacific Science Center, a post about teeth, a post about Madelynn, and who knows how many other post ideas floating around in my head.
So, if you don't hear much from you, you know where I am...I'm still here, just busy!

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