To say Sam works through math quickly is an understatement. Typically, he covers two years of curriculum per year. In past years, I made him do every problem on every page, and he still completed two years worth of math. This year, I made an exception to that rule because I knew that he had most of the lessons for the next two levels mastered already. I didn't see the point of forcing him to learn and practice something he had already mastered on his own. However, I wanted to be sure we didn't miss anything so we went through each lesson in a shortened way.
How did I shorten it? Each day I "taught" the lesson for the week and then had him do the test page. In this way, I could judge if he really knew the information or if he needed more practice. I found that in Epsilon, there were only a couple of new concepts to learn. Those were learned without difficulty. In Zeta, I found that there a few more concepts to cover, but again, they were very easy for him to pick up. Only one lesson warranted extra practice for him. I took one of the practice pages (which I'm saving for Mika to use next year) and wrote the problems on the white board for him to do.
I just taught Sam the last two lessons in Zeta. They covered angles, so I went ahead and did both of them with him. I also added in a couple of things not covered that, I'm sure, will be covered at some later point in the curriculum. I knew he would find it fun. He's doing lesson 29's test page today and lesson 30's page tomorrow. We'll then spend some time redoing any problems he missed throughout the thirty tests as review before he takes the final exam.
In January, he'll be starting prealgebra. He's excited to be getting into the upper levels of math finally.
I better hit the books and remember how to do this stuff before then. LOL

If you need any help with any of these lessons...well, probably better not ask me. ;-)
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