We are a month into the school year, and it is apparent that things were just not working. This week we've been trying out new plan for getting everything done. It's working, but boy am I tired. I would have never guessed I would be this busy.
Here's what today looked like:
6:30am: Wake up. Hate the alarm clock. Shower. Dress.
7:00am: Wake up Sam. Fold a load of laundry and put most of it away. Move washed clothing to the dryer. Start another load (or rather tell Sam to start his load).
7:30am: Do math with Sam. Today we managed to finish half the problems that went with yesterday's lesson.
8:00am: Wake Josh, Maddie, and Mika. Cook breakfast. Today we had eggs scrambled with bacon, onions, garlic, and spinach with grapes and melon on the side. Eat breakfast. Start black beans on a quick soak for dinner.
9:00am: Do school with the Josh and Maddie while Mika and Sam work independently in the other room. We completed phonics, literature (and easy craft to go with The Little Red Hen), handwriting, and math today. I totally forgot Bible today.
11:00am: Science lesson with all kids together. We had done a two week unit on chocolate (because it grows on a plant), but didn't get to the Make Your Own Chocolate kit. So, we did that today. We made chocolate peanut butter cups.
12:00pm: Prepare lunch. The Josh and Maddie had turkey and cheese sandwiches. Mika had some thai leftovers. Sam, Scott, and I had taco salad using up some leftover beans and roasted veggies.
1:00pm: Teach Sam and Mika how to make a tree diagram in Power Point.
1:30pm: Take Maddie and Josh with me on errands. We went to the food co-op for a few ingredients for dinner and the library in hopes of finding some Halloween books. I had hoped to get home in time to do an art project (painting pumpkins and adding a silly face with construction paper cutouts), but that didn't happen.
3:00pm: Tutor a student. (I'm tutoring a friend's child who is struggling in hopes of helping her catch up.) Have Mika start some brown rice in the rice cooker.
4:00pm: Help Mika with an outline for history that she was having trouble with.
4:30pm: Take a half hour break that turned into an hour.
5:30pm: Start cooking dinner. Answer a PM while doing so. Contact and have a discussion about that PM with another person. Finishing answering the other PM.
7:30pm: Eat the dinner that took way longer than expected to cook. We had homemade veggie burgers made with black beans, rice, mushrooms, onions, flax seeds, and spices with fried potatoes on the side.
8:15pm: Complete after dinner chores. Mika cleared the table, scraped and stacked dishes, and put away any clean dishes. Sam did pick up. Josh picked up his room. I folded and put away laundry.
8:45pm: Serve dessert.
9:00pm: Read to Josh, then read to Maddie.
9:40pm: Time to relax before heading to bed myself.
ETA: I just realized that I keep forgetting to do Spanish with Mika. I really dislike being this busy, but man, I just can't figure out how to shorten it. There are some things people would tell me could be dropped, but everything I am doing I feel is pretty essential for one reason or another.
Here's what today looked like:
6:30am: Wake up. Hate the alarm clock. Shower. Dress.
7:00am: Wake up Sam. Fold a load of laundry and put most of it away. Move washed clothing to the dryer. Start another load (or rather tell Sam to start his load).
7:30am: Do math with Sam. Today we managed to finish half the problems that went with yesterday's lesson.
8:00am: Wake Josh, Maddie, and Mika. Cook breakfast. Today we had eggs scrambled with bacon, onions, garlic, and spinach with grapes and melon on the side. Eat breakfast. Start black beans on a quick soak for dinner.
9:00am: Do school with the Josh and Maddie while Mika and Sam work independently in the other room. We completed phonics, literature (and easy craft to go with The Little Red Hen), handwriting, and math today. I totally forgot Bible today.
11:00am: Science lesson with all kids together. We had done a two week unit on chocolate (because it grows on a plant), but didn't get to the Make Your Own Chocolate kit. So, we did that today. We made chocolate peanut butter cups.
12:00pm: Prepare lunch. The Josh and Maddie had turkey and cheese sandwiches. Mika had some thai leftovers. Sam, Scott, and I had taco salad using up some leftover beans and roasted veggies.
1:00pm: Teach Sam and Mika how to make a tree diagram in Power Point.
1:30pm: Take Maddie and Josh with me on errands. We went to the food co-op for a few ingredients for dinner and the library in hopes of finding some Halloween books. I had hoped to get home in time to do an art project (painting pumpkins and adding a silly face with construction paper cutouts), but that didn't happen.
3:00pm: Tutor a student. (I'm tutoring a friend's child who is struggling in hopes of helping her catch up.) Have Mika start some brown rice in the rice cooker.
4:00pm: Help Mika with an outline for history that she was having trouble with.
4:30pm: Take a half hour break that turned into an hour.
5:30pm: Start cooking dinner. Answer a PM while doing so. Contact and have a discussion about that PM with another person. Finishing answering the other PM.
7:30pm: Eat the dinner that took way longer than expected to cook. We had homemade veggie burgers made with black beans, rice, mushrooms, onions, flax seeds, and spices with fried potatoes on the side.
8:15pm: Complete after dinner chores. Mika cleared the table, scraped and stacked dishes, and put away any clean dishes. Sam did pick up. Josh picked up his room. I folded and put away laundry.
8:45pm: Serve dessert.
9:00pm: Read to Josh, then read to Maddie.
9:40pm: Time to relax before heading to bed myself.
ETA: I just realized that I keep forgetting to do Spanish with Mika. I really dislike being this busy, but man, I just can't figure out how to shorten it. There are some things people would tell me could be dropped, but everything I am doing I feel is pretty essential for one reason or another.

I wish I knew what to tell you, but yeah, I'm that busy too and I don't do most laundry. Mike and the kids do it.
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